ARDC (UK) Ltd. is a company registered in Great Britain. Through its associates, ARDC garners substantial experience & relevance in real estate and civil structures. ARDC (UK) Ltd. is the main associate of the British Romanian Investment Partnership (BRIP) SRL company, which resides in Bucharest. To maintain a strong and distinctive identity, the projects developed on the Romanian estate market have been incorporated under the developer brand of ARDC.
It all started with the ambition of brothers Cristian and Liviu Mercioniu, two Romanian entrepreneurs with a considerable experience on the real estate markets of Spain and England, of implementing in Romania the characteristic residence-building trend of Western countries. For the great journey that was about to begin, they brought in Casian Sala – a Romanian entrepreneur established in London, along with other British investors. And so they bugun to build, in Bucharest and in the outskirts, homes that stand out through comfort, safety and well-being. And on top of all, Mercioniu brothers added the key element by which an estate developer fully wins credibility: the respect for the client.
apartamente construite in Bucuresti si Magurele
case construite in Magurele
spatii comerciale
With long-term investments and strong attention to details, ARDC successfully meets the increasingly higher demands of people looking for a home.
We build, in Bucharest and it’s outskirts, high-quality residential complexes, offering the right price-quality ratio in the real estate market from Romania.
Our business offers a professional and transparent service, for all necessary stages of acquiring a property.
When creating the concept for each project we pay great attention to details and elements which encourage people to become a peaceful and happy community.
You are what you build! – in other words, the built residential projects are the best business card of a real estate developer.
We innovate – we believe that a lifestyle encompasses a whole residential concept that brings real benefits to our customers.
Director General al SNW Financial Planning Ltd, o companie din domeniul managementului financiar, cu o experienta de peste 37 de ani in servicii financiare destinate atat companiilor, cat si clientilor privati.
Director General al ARDC (UK) Ltd. si al Legastat Ltd in Londra, experienta relevanta in pozitii de senior management in UK, responsabil pentru managementul operational al proiectelor dezvoltate de ARDC.
Director General al Buildtech Professionals Ltd, experienta de peste 15 ani in sectorul constructiilor atat in Romania, cat si in UK, in sectorul comercial si rezidential.
Director General ARDC, cu o vasta experienta in domeniul imobiliar, acumulata atat in strainatate, cat si in Romania.